Produced from high quality European and U.K. whitewood these products are pressure treated through our own ISO9001 high pressure treatment process to user class 3 to provide extra protection against decay and insect attack.
If you'd like to place an order please contact us: [email protected] 01823 337150
25mm x 38mm x 4.8m, 25mm x 100mm x 2.4m, 25mm x 100mm x 3.6m, 25mm x 100mm x 4.8m, 25mm x 150mm x 2.4m, 25mm x 150mm x 3.6m, 25mm x 50mm x 2.4m, 25mm x 50mm x 3.6m, 25mm x 50mm x 4.8m, 25mm x 150mm x 4.8m, 25mm x 75mm x 3.6, 25mm x 75mm x 4.8